How can we do things faster and more effectively? Laputa can help you answer this question with a combination of solutions. Utilizing Salesforce’s cloud-based technology, as well as Automation Anywhere’s RPA, your business can raise and reach its potential.

Everything in its Place
Specifically, in one place. Salesforce allows you to embed collaborative documents inside organized records and systems, keeping every part of a deal or case together.
Anytime, Anywhere
Take on repetitive work and free professionals to focus on more high-value and strategic contributions to the business.

No Margin for Error
Maximize productivity without causing extensive changes to underlying processes or existing software infrastructure.
Boost Efficiency
Access and reorganize unstructured data to update and process records.

Learn from the Past, Look to the Future
Salesforce’s Cloud offers you a complete view of customer information, and with this vantage point, you can make better decisions in the short and long run.